No one is immune to stress, but for women, stress can come from so many different places and be very intense. While stress is a nuisance, it can also have detrimental effects on relationships, home life and career, not to mention on your health.
If your life seems particularly stressful, or if you are having problems dealing with stress or are feeling like stress is negatively affecting your work, relationships or health, it is time to try to find some constructive ways to deal with it.
Try these following tips that are specifically designed to help the ladies reduce stress:
1. Take some time out for yourself
It may seem impossible right now, in your over-stressed state, but every person needs to have downtime when they can relax and unwind from the stresses of the day. This is especially true for stay-at-home moms and others who never seem to get a “break” from their relentless schedules. At least twice a week, and more if possible, take time to do something that you love to do – something that helps you feel alive, content, happy, and centered.
This is especially true for stay-at-home moms and others who never seem to get a “break” from their relentless schedules. At least twice a week, and more if possible, take time to do something that you love to do – something that helps you feel alive, content, happy, and centered.
Maybe you could fit 15 minutes of yoga in before your morning shower? Maybe you prefer to soak in the bath without interruptions, go for a solitary bike ride, or jog in the park, or have lunch with a supportive friend. Or you might prefer just curling up on the couch for an hour before bedtime and actually reading one of those books you have been promising yourself. Reading is a great stress buster!
2. Get your family to help out
If you do everything all the time, everyone else will get used to not helping out. So give the kids chores to do and ask your husband or partner for help. Explain that if you get a break, you will not be so stressed and this will probably lead to everyone being happier.
3. Accepting good enough is in fact good enough
Perfectionism is very stressful. Just accept that “good enough” is good enough. If the house is not dusted right this second, does it really matter? So what if you buy a cake for the school fete when everyone else home bakes their own? It will still sell and raise money – and was not that the point?
4. Take care of your body
The foods you eat can actually make you more stressed. Eat healthy food, with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables; make a commitment to get enough exercise, walking is good; and get 8 hours of sleep every night. Do this and you will notice the difference in your stress levels.
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The foods you eat can actually make you more stressed. Eat healthy food, with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables; make a commitment to get enough exercise, walking is good; and get 8 hours of sleep every night. Do this and you will notice the difference in your stress levels.
5. Learn to say no
You can turn down invitations if you are tired or worn out. Do not have to take your friend’s kid for a play date when you already have enough on your plate. You can say no to another volunteer project. Saying no can be very difficult especially for women, who are often conditioned by society to be the ones giving the help and support. However, it is something you need to practise if you are serious about getting your stress levels down. Your friend might not like it, but you will feel empowered and that means a little less stressed.
Women are subject to stress from so many places. Please remind yourself to take earnest care of your well being. If you are ill and over-stressed, how will you be the support system for your family? Take time to manage your own stress and treat yourself to anything that you love to gorge on such as Eggless cakes in Chennai. And when you do so, your stress levels will reduce and you will be happier and more relaxed. After all, if you do not manage your own stress, who will do it for you?