When you’ve completed college, it can be quite difficult to determine how to use your education in the real world and workplace.
Now, the fields you can get into will depend on how much experience you have as well as your degree. If you’re interested in an innovative field that is moving quickly, you should think about getting into Mining. This is a very interesting field that has numerous opportunities. You can get into business management, labor etc.
With that said, TRS Staffing now look at 3 different Mining careers you can get into.
If you have a degree in Geology, then you’ll definitely fit in quite well in the mining field due to your knowledge of the Earth. There are lots of mining companies that employ geologists for their projects as well as to improve their work flows.
One example of this is where Geologists are required to help find the specific types of materials within the earth using particular tools and machines. This type of work is critical in mining and will enable the Mining Engineers to remove the minerals and other raw materials in a safe and profitable manner.
Additionally, Geologists are well known for having a superb eye for detail. So, when the minerals and other materials are extracted from the earth, they can look at and examine them closely to determine the overall quality level. They will also be able to determine the impact of mining projects on the earth and negative effects in particular. For example, they would be able to determine if the ground would become unstable or not after mining a particular material.
Engineers are well suited to mining careers. After all, engineers are necessary for solving important issues in the most efficient way while adhering to a budget. Engineers are needed in the mining industry for job safety and they will need to work with many departments within the company. They are absolutely critical to the success of any mining company and project.
To put this into perspective, a Mining engineer would likely need to liaise with a Mechanical engineer in order to fix certain issues the production equipment may be experiencing. Then, when communication equipment needs to be tested, an Electrical engineer will be required. In this particular industry, Mining engineers will always be required. So, if you have a Process, Electrical or Mechanical engineering degree, you will definitely have a great potential future in mining.
If you’re a business degree graduate, there are still many careers that you can get into in mining. After all, mining companies are still businesses and need business professionals in order to function and be profitable.
Most mining employers want business professionals that are well qualified to work as management, business analysts, admin and more. These business skills are essential to improve the internal workings of the company and would require collaboration between all of the employees.
An example of how business degree graduates can help is by working in finance and analyzing the finances of the company, investment, costs, ROI and then creating a suitable budget. Mining companies also require marketing professionals to create marketing plans, ads and more. Business management degree holders are also greatly needed in order to manage the employees and improve the business’s strategies and goals.